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Cream flipped

cream flipped

It's a kind of milk-based flanEggs and sugar very popular throughout Latin America, with a particular variation in their preparation in each region; In some countries it is known as egg flan, in others like Venezuela it receives the name of quesillo since once cooked it has small spaces or holes inside that recall the appearance of some cheeses.

It is a dessert pretty easy and quick to do. It is widely used as a dessert to serve after lunch or dinner and it is also common to accompany the sponge cake or cake that is offered for birthdays or any other celebration.

The preparation of the flipped cream is very simple and the classic recipe has ingredients that are easy to obtain, which makes it a quite popular dessert, to which is added its delicious flavor that makes it widely accepted by all.

The basic recipe is known as flipped vanilla cream; However, over time variations have been incorporated that modify, pleasantly, its flavor. It can be done by adding juice of some fruit, such as orange, mango, pineapple, coconut. You can also add coffee or liquid chocolate, pumpkin or banana cream. Another variation is to add small pieces of chocolate or nuts like raisins.

It is said that the origin of the Cream flipped It goes back to the first centuries of our history, stating that the Romans and Greeks made a similar dessert. Whether this is true or not, it is more widely accepted that the recipe was introduced in America by the Spanish in times of colonization.

Flipped cream recipe

Cream flipped

Plateau Dessert
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
Total time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 6
Calories 150kcal


For the Flipped Cream

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 can of condensed milk (400 milliliters)
  • Half a cup of white sugar (100 g)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 400 ml water

For the candy

  • Half a cup of white sugar (100 g)
  • A quarter cup of water (100 milliliters)
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice

Additional materials

  • A baking dish of approximately 25 cm in diameter, or a container with a lid to use in a water bath.
  • A container or bowl to beat.
  • Hand mixer or a blender.
  • Strainer.
  • A pot or tall container containing boiling water.
  • Pressure cooker (optional).

Preparation of the flipped cream

A syrup must first be prepared. Place half a cup of white sugar, a quarter cup of water and half a teaspoon of lemon juice in the baking pan or container to be used in a bain-marie. The lemon prevents the caramel from crystallizing and breaking. It is brought to high heat. When the mixture acquires the consistency of caramel and begins to darken, the intensity of the fire is lowered and it is waited until it takes on an intense golden hue. It is removed from the heat and is distributed evenly over the walls of the mold. In these conditions it is allowed to cool and set aside.

Place the eggs in a container and using the hand mixer, mix evenly. Add the condensed milk, the water, the sugar and the vanilla essence and continue mixing.

If you prefer the blender, the eggs are placed in it, mixed and then the rest of the ingredients are added and all are mixed for a short time.

Either the mixture by hand or the liquefied one is poured into the caramelised mold, passing the mixture through a strainer to avoid that remains of the egg albumin continue to be present in it.

Place the mold in the pot with boiling water (water bath) that covers approximately half the height of the mold. Bake at 180 ° C for one hour.

An alternative is to cook the Turned Cream in a double boiler. For this method, the mold containing the cream is placed, well covered, in a pressure cooker containing water up to half the height of the mold and brought to the high heat. Once the pot reaches pressure, boil for 30 minutes.

Carefully remove the pan with the cream, from the oven or pressure cooker and let cool. When it is at room temperature, refrigerate for two hours and it is ready to unmold, serve and taste.

Helpful tips

If the cream is cooked in the oven, it is necessary to prevent the water in the water bath from evaporating, as the volume decreases, it must be restored with more hot water.

To unmold the cream it is convenient to pass a thin knife over the upper edge of the already cooked cream, this helps it to come off more happily.

A plate or tray must be prepared which is placed on the mold and with rapid movement the plate and the mold are turned over. The mold is lifted carefully and the cream is ready to be served.

Nutritional contribution

A serving of flipped cream contains 4,4 g of fat, 2,8 g of protein and 20 g of carbohydrates. The fat content is basically composed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that exceed the lower content of saturated fats, less beneficial for health; In addition, the fats include linoleic acid, oleic acid and omega 3. 

Food properties

Both the condensed milk and the eggs, basic ingredients of the flipped cream, provide the nutritional advantages of each of them.

Condensed milk has abundant vitamins A and D and a certain amount of vitamins B and C. In relation to minerals, it is a source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. All these compounds are offered by condensed milk in a concentrated way since it is a type of milk with low water content.

The egg has a high protein content, in addition to having a high content of vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E and K, as well as folic acid, which gives it the characteristic of being very nutritious. It also provides minerals such as iron, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.

It can be said that both ingredients provide an average of 15% of the daily requirement of vitamins, which results in strengthening the immune system. The content of calcium and phosphorus is beneficial for the metabolism of bones. The B vitamins together with magnesium favor the formation of red blood cells, improving the characteristics of the blood; while vitamin A intervenes favorably in the hydration of the skin.

In summary, incorporating milk and eggs in the diet has repercussions on various aspects of health such as improving blood circulation, improving brain activity due to the contribution of folic acid they make, promoting bone consolidation and improving skin conditions.

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