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Rice with shrimp

Rice It is a staple in the diet of Ecuadorians and from other Latino towns, who tell in their gastronomic history with varied preparations based on rice. This variety of recipes have an exquisite flavor, they are the result of wisely mixing various ingredients, accompanying with procedures, at the time of preparation, that highlight the flavors, obtaining results worthy of the most demanding palates.

rice with shrimp It is a sample of the outstanding Latin American food, it is a delicious dish that is part of the typical cuisine of Latin American countries, and consumed in a very special and frequent way, in its coastal areas.

On this occasion we are concerned with the typical rice with shrimp from Ecuador.

Rice with shrimp is also prepared in other countries in the Americas.

Each country presents some variation in terms of ingredients, and/or procedure in its preparation; highlighting in this way some particularity around this typical dish.

El rice with shrimp it's a plate of easy preparation, which combines the popular already cooked rice, with the nutritious and delicious shrimp broth, rehash with different ingredients, such as onion, tomato, parsley, pepper, without forgetting cumin and achiote, (achiote is the name by which onoto is known in Ecuador and other countries)

A little extra broth is used to prevent the rice from being too dry, however, a touch of white wine It is the ideal ingredient to slightly increase the humidity of this rice.


Despite that el rice with shrimp It is usually delicious, very few people do it at home because the preparation may seem difficult (although it is not). For this reason, we wanted to give you all the shrimp rice recipe so you can do it and enjoy a good main dish (lunch) with your family and friends.



Ingredients to make rice with shrimp

For prepare the shrimp you will need 2 pounds of washed and deveined shrimp (not peeled) 1 teaspoon of ground cumin (5 grams) 1 teaspoon of ground annatto (5 grams) 4 crushed garlic cloves and 2 tablespoons of oil (approximately 30 grams).

Then to prepare the rice you will need 3 tablespoons of butter (45-50 grams) 2 tablespoons of chopped white onion (50 grams) 2 cups of uncooked rice and 2.5 cups of broth or seafood/shrimp stock in the case of not boiling the shrimp.

For the refried is what is most needed ingredients, but they are simple. Basically, you will need 1-2 tablespoons of oil or butter (20-40 grams) 1 red onion, diced, 1 sweet pepper (green or red) diced, 3 tomatoes (peeled and seedless) diced or grated/ crushed, 1 teaspoon ground cumin (5 grams) 1 teaspoon ground annatto (5 grams) 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley (20 grams) 4 garlic cloves (minced) 1/2 teaspoon ground annatto (3 grams) 1/ 2 cup of white wine (10 grams) Salt and pepper (to taste).

To finish, you will only need get some fried plantains, criollo chili and avocado to serve. Although, you can also choose to add onion and tomato tanning.

Preparation of rice with shrimp step by step – WELL EXPLAINED

After having the ingredients ready, we will proceed to make your preparation As follows:


You will need to season the shrimp with salt, pepper, cumin, chili pepper, and then; add about 2 grams of achiote. Subsequently, leave half an hour in the fridge for cooling. Once ready, simply heat oil in a large skillet and add the shrimp. You will cook them for a few minutes on high heat. Then, he removes them, places them in a cup, and stores them away while the subsequent steps are performed. It is important not to throw away the oil with which these shrimp were fried (it will be used for refrying).


Find a pot and heat oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook for approximately 100/120 seconds. Then add the rice and 2 cups of water or seafood broth. Let them cook over low heat for 20 minutes and remove.


Use the pan with the oil that was left over from step 1 and add the onion, bell pepper, tomatoes, parsley, achiote, salt and pepper. Start stirring for 15 minutes and add white wine. Subsequently, add the previously prepared rice and mix well for a few minutes. Then, add the shrimp, rectify the salt and serve (place the ripe plantains on one side next to the avocado and chili).


This step is optional only for those people who want to have their own broth or want to boil their shrimp. Simply find a pot, place enough water, add, salt and the shrimp previously saved in step 1. Let them boil for 3 minutes and remove the shrimp. Reserve the water and peel the shrimp (you can leave some unpeeled if you like).

Finally, as you can see, it's not that difficult. make a recipe for rice with shrimp. You only need to have the correct ingredients and carry out its preparation step by step. We advise you to do it as soon as possible! It is a great option for those who want to enjoy a good meal with family or friends.

Nutritional information for rice with shrimp

Nutritional value for each portion of 100 grams

Calories: 156%

Fat: 5.44 grams.

Carbohydrate: 19.58 grams

Proteins: 6.46 grams.

Cholesterol: 37 milligrams

Sodium: 277 milligrams.

Sugar: 0.16 grams.

Fiber: 0.4 grams

Benefits that rice consumption brings to the body.

Rice, in addition to being a primary ingredient in the preparation of different dishes, is one of the most used accompaniments when serving food.

Rice consumption provides great health benefits.

Some benefits we get from eating rice:

  1. Energy. Its starch content makes it an excellent source
  2. Rich in vitamin B complex.
  3. Fiber. Brown rice especially provides fiber, benefiting the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. The ability to absorb water during its preparation, allows it to hydrate the body after being consumed.
  5. Iron. It has high levels of iron, so it can prevent anemia.

Benefits of consuming shrimp

  1. They have low calorie content.
  2. Reinforces the immune system
  3. Help in the muscle fiber building.
  4. shrimp are source of Vitamin B12, Helps maintain neurons. Vitamin B6, favors the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin E, important in maintaining visual health. Vitamin A is also involved in strengthening visual health, cell division.
  5. mineral source such as selenium, zinc, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium.

Shrimp rich in Omega 3

Fatty acids Omega 3 present in the shrimp They can act on the body, relieving, curing or avoiding the presence of symptoms of some diseases:

  1. Relieves symptoms caused by premenstrual syndrome.
  2. It acts in the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. It can slow the growth of tumors.
  4. act in the prevention of blood clot formation.


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