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Manaba onion

The fruits of the sea constitute one of the essential ingredients in the typical dishes of Ecuadorian gastronomy, especially coastal gastronomy.

the onion It is one of those delicious typical dishes of the ecuadorian coast, which has as its main ingredient the tuna or albacore.

The onion is also known by the name of spicy fish. This typical dish is a soup, pleasant flavor.

In the preparation of ecuadorian onion used tuna, cassava, and other ingredients such as tomato and coriander.

The onion, although it is known as a hot, may have variations depending on the place in which it is prepared. In some areas of Ecuador it is prepared as a tuna stew.

Other variants of encebollado include shrimp, or octopus instead of tuna.

Ecuadorian encebollado recipe

Plateau: Main course, Soup

Cooking: Ecuadorian

Preparation time: 45 minutes.

Difficulty de preparation: Low

Servings: 4

Author: Carolina. Free Recipes


  • 1 kg of tuna or albacore
  • 1 kg of yucca
  • 2 tablespoon of oil
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 onion home
  • 1 spoon of peppers ground
  • 2 spoon of Comino ground
  • 8 cups of water (1920 milliliters)
  • 5 branches of cilantro or cilantro.
  • Salt to taste.

How to make Ecuadorian encebollado

  1. To start the preparation you have to sauté la onion, tomatoes.
  2. Once the onion and tomato are ready, add el Comino, ground paprika and salt.
  3. To continue preparation Add el water and cilantro.
  4. Once the water begins to boil, to incorporate tuna, or albacore. This preparation is left cook about 15 minutes.
  5. El hot already cooked, sneaks in and must be reserved for later cook la yucca.
  6. It proceeds to divide el tuna en pieces or slicesis reserve to be added then to preparation.
  7. The broth is boiled of the fish (tuna or albacore), it Incorporates la yucca for cook it until soft.
  8. Once the yucca is cooked, if corta in small piece.
  9. Se they add back into the broth the pieces of yucca and the pieces or slices of tuna. It rectify la shawl. It heats up until ready to be served.
  10. Al be used el fish soup with onionsis places on top of each bowl of soup a little pickled onion and tomato.

Origin of Ecuadorian encebollado

When investigating about the origin of this typical dish de Ecuador called fish soup with onions, interesting stories are presented, with some differences, however, they all show the charm of the peoples of inventing, building, adapting, combining elements in the magical task of creating culture.

The kitchen, the preparation of dishes is, without a doubt, a fundamental aspect of identification of the culture of the different peoples.

In the preparation of onion, many of the people devoted to the study of typical gastronomy agree that this dish has its the origin in moments of the indigenous history.

The native peoples of Ecuador prepared tuna, especially those settlers who lived in the coastline. It is this practice of prepare the tuna what he gave the origin al Ecuadorian encebollado.

This plate, manabita onion or manaba, takes this name for arising in the province of Manabi,  as in the province of Guayas, located in the southwest of the country.

The broth in which the fish is made, it is made with cassava, which is blended and then seasoned.

With the arrival of the colonizers to this continent, today called America, the Ecuadorian encebollado, a traditional dish, presents changes due to the fact that the original inhabitants know new ingredients.

Thus, mixing the fish, with the cassava-based broth and the new seasoning ingredients (ingredients brought from the old continent) arose what would be the world's first onion dish.

This dish was widely accepted among the Spanish, they consumed it frequently, this caused the recipe to pass from these lands to the European continent, the recipe was having changes until it became the dish that today is known as Ecuadorian encebollado, a typical dish of Ecuador .

Tuna, and other fish ingredients from the Ecuadorian coast

El tuna, like others fish,  consist of ingredients in many of the delicious dishes tradicionales for the Ecuadorian gastronomy. They predominate mainly in the typical dishes of the coastal region of Ecuador. Among the typical dishes of this South American country made with tuna, or other fish, as the main ingredient, are:

  1. The ceviche
  2. fish stew
  3. fish skin

Ecuador, country of varied soups

Review the gastronomy Ecuadorian, will surprise you with the variety of soups that make up the cuisine of this South American country.

It is common that in all homes serve some kind of soup daily, and this can happen in the morning for the breakfast or at another time of the day for the lunch or dinner. Among the variety of dishes offered in the restaurants, there are the different types of soup and just like in the kitchens of Ecuadorian homes in restaurants, soups are requested at all times of the day, whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Recent information states that Ecuador, ranks second in the world as country who owns the more types of soup.

This great variety of soups are prepared considering the ingredients of each region of the country.

The soups are considered food primordial In the diet, there are recipes for soups in the mountains, on the coast, in the jungle, they do not escape this characteristic, the Galapagos Islands.

In rural areas, in the cities, soup is always present, an essential part of the different menus.

Soups on the Ecuadorian coast

In coastal areas, that is, in cities on the Pacific Ocean coast, the soups that include in the ingredients various types of fish or crabs.

Soups in the Ecuadorian highlands

In the mountains they prepare soups a base vegetables, thick and with more fat.

The most famous soups in Ecuador

Each of the soups that are prepared in Ecuador have a particular charm, they have some characteristic that makes each of these preparations a unique recipe. In each area some stand out, becoming the favorite among the local population, or a typical dish of the area. There are, among the great variety of soups, those who have become the most famous in Ecuador, Here is a list of these soups:

  1. The fish stew.
  2. The locro of potatoes
  3. The chichas salt broth.
  4. He viche de pescado.
  5. The lojano rep.
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