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Guatita,  Dishes prepared with beef stomach are known by this name in Chile and Ecuador. La Guatita has as its main ingredient the stomach of the beef, also called beef belly.

La Guatita, is a typical Ecuadorian dish, made with mondongo, a name that is also assigned to the stomach or belly of beef. The mondongo is also named booklet, tripe, among other denominations.

In Ecuador, tripe stew with peanut sauce is popularly known as guatita and is considered National dish.

This dish, which is a mixture of tripe with peanut sauce or peanuts, has potatoes in its preparation; the combination of potatoes and peanut butter make this dish an exquisite option. In Ecuador this main dish is accompanied with tomato, avocado, rice, fried plantains, also onion prepared as a pickle and chili.

La Guatita is a typical Ecuadorian dish very delicious and nutritious. It is usually ideal for a large weekend meal and can be made very easy (even though it may not seem like it). In addition, it is not expensive and allows to taste the palate of any lover of stews. Get to know the guatita recipe now and prepare it for the family today!



Ingredients needed to make the guatita recipe

To prepare the guatita you will need 100 grams of peanut butter (unsalted) 400 ml of milk, 60 grams of butter, 20 grams of red onion, 50 grams of white onion, 5 grams of green/red paprika, 10 grams of ground annatto, 5 grams oregano, 1 tomato, 4 garlic cloves, 4 white potatoes, salt and pepper to taste.

Then, to prepare the mondo you will need 1 kilo of beef belly or mondongo, 10 milliliters of lemon juice, 2 liters of water, 20 grams of coriander, 5 grams of cumin, and 4 fully crushed chili cloves.

To finish, you will only need choose the companions, which could be: rice, chili, ripe plantains, avocado and/or pickled onions.

Preparation of the guatita recipe step by step – WELL EXPLAINED

After having all the ingredients, you must follow the following steps for the elaboration of the guatita. These are:


you have to start preparing the tripe. Therefore, you need to find a pot and put the beef in it with plenty of water, salt and lemon juice. Let stand for 20 minutes and then wash again (repeat the same process).


You will have to look for a bigger pot to place the mondongo washed together with the 2 liters of water, coriander, cumin, garlic and salt. Bring to a boil and cook for approximately 2 hours (or until tripe is soft). Later, remove and let it rest, but save two cups of mondongo broth.


While the mondongo cools, you will simply have to dilute the peanut butter in 200 milliliters of milk. Grab a skillet and add the butter, cumin, salt, oregano, achiote, tomato, garlic, pepper, onion and cook over low heat for 3 minutes (or until the onions are soft) . Then, you will combine that refried with the diluted peanut butter and blend it to have a creamy and homogeneous mixture.


You were making the stir-fry, so already the mondongo must be cold. So, you're going to grab it and you're going to chop it up into little pieces. Then, you will add it to a pot and add the two cups of broth that you reserved, plus the potatoes and the refried sauce (which is now a mixture) and cook over low heat until the potatoes are soft and the water becomes thick . Later, add salt and pepper to taste.

Finally, after performing these 4 simple steps, you will be able to have your guatita ready to serve and enjoy with family or friends. Try to serve it in large dishes accompanied by rice, pickled onions, avocado and a good chili pepper. Let us know how it went!

Mondongo Nutritional Information.

Tripe is a food of animal origin, signed apart from the protein food group. The mondongo contains, in addition to fat, it has minerals and vitamins. The mondongo is the part of the stomach of the cow that is eaten.

What is the nutritional value of tripe per 100 g?

Calories: 104 Kcal

Carbohydrates: 9 g

Total Fats: 3 g

Proteins: 17 g

Saturated fats: 1 g

Sodium: 97 milligrams.

Simple Sugars: 2 g

Fiber: 2 g

The mondongo provides iron and vitamin B12. It is considered a food of great nutritional value.

Tribe benefits.

The mondongo acquires different preparations according to the cultural characteristics of each geographical space in which this food is consumed.

Regardless of the combination that is made of tripe with other ingredients to obtain a variety of dishes, it has benefits for the body, even so it is recommended to take care of the combination, to obtain the maximum benefit.

It is said that tripe is very fatty, despite these claims that have gained popularity, it is important to note that tripe does not contain fat, this characteristic makes it a healthy food with high nutritional value.

The healthy preparation of tripe allows it to be a complete, nutritious dish, with properties that act against aging and provides energy to the body.

Other benefits of tripe:

  1. It provides few calories, so it is recommended to be included in hypocaloric diets.
  2. Provides lean protein.
  3. Increases the feeling of satiety.
  4. It does not provide sugar in large quantities.
  5. It provides high levels of iron, this makes it an ideal food for those who have routines that require large amounts of energy, such as athletes.


Benefits of the potato in the preparation of guatita

Among the ingredients of the guatita, is the potato.

The potato is a widely used food in traditional cooking, typical of Ecuador.

This ingredient enriches the nutritional value of the guatita.

The potato is a food rich in  vitamin C and minerals.  Potato minerals include iron and potassium.

The fiber is part of the content of this ancestral food of the diet in the Ecuadorian people, as is the potato. The benefit of fiber in functions of the digestive system is known.

The potato and its healing power

This rich and versatile food, such as the potato, is known and cultivated by the original peoples of the lands of South America.

Since ancient times, in addition to being used in food preparation, the potato has been used to take advantage of its benefits in the prevention or cure of diseases, among which are:

  • anemia.
  • The hypertension.
  • arthritis.
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