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Cocona Juice Recipe

cocoa juice

The Cocona is a rather peculiar delicious fruit, which is not found in many parts of the world, since it tends to be typical of tropical zones especially from Peru, because it requires very specific conditions to reproduce.

This fruit is found between the months of March and October in local Peruvian markets, where It is very abundant and cheap to acquire.. With it you can perform from sweets to jams, being the best known recipe the Cocoa juice.

From the latter it is known that its preparation is very simple, where you just need some fruits, a little water, sugar and some cloves. With them you will have in just one hour a show of flavors and smells in your kitchen, available to drink at any time of the day, either to refresh the body or simply to accompany a meal.

Cocona Juice Recipe

cocoa juice

Plateau Beverages
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 50 minutes
Servings 6
Calories 45kcal


  • 4 large cocoons
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2-3 cinnamon sticks
  • Sugar to taste
  • Cloves to taste

Materials or utensils

  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Jar
  • Strainer
  • Glasses
  • Cutting board
  • Towel or wipes
  • Olla
  • Blender


  • 1st Step:

wash well the cocona fruit, with the help of a knife remove the remains of stem, leaves and cut them into small pieces.

  • 2nd Step:

In a pot, bring the water to a boil and once you see the liquid bubbling add the cocona together with the cinnamon and the cloves. Let boil for an hour over medium heat.

  • 3st Step:

When the time has passed add the sugar and cook for about 5 more minutes or until the candy is completely dissolved. Once everything is diluted, turn off the flame and let cool to room temperature.

  • 4th Step:

Blend all the preparation and strain it and then take it to a jar.  

  • 5th Step:

Serve in glasses of your choice, either room temperature or with ice. Likewise, if you want the juice to be cold longer, keep it inside the fridge.

Tips and recommendations

  • Once the concentrate is ready You can place it in a glass jar and cover it so that the aroma does not dissolve.
  • You can add a bit of ice and even process some cubes in the blender to get a scraped or granita to which you will add Cocoa juice.
  • Take advantage of cocona season months to acquire it and thus prepare the drink, because at this time the fruit is more economical and abundant.

Nutritional Aids

El cocoa juice lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, lowers triglycerides in the blood, prevents diabetes, anemia and strengthens bones thanks to its high content of carotenoids, iron, calcium and B-complex nutrients.

Other properties of the cocona is that its aguaje contains phytoestrogen, a plant compound that has an antibiotic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic aspect, especially against breast, colon and prostate tumors; also prevents cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents.

In the same way, helps fight anemia, since the vitamin C of the cocona absorbs iron more easily, which is important to maintain adequate levels of this component in the blood. In turn, the cocoa juice provides other benefits such as:

  • Regula blood sugar level
  • Regula the glycemic level of the blood, even if you suffer from diabetes we can consume them because they have low sugar content.
  • Control the constipation.
  • Contains fibers that retain fat and It helps to easily expel waste from our body.
  • Protects the kidneys and liver, the consumption of cocona it can control uric acid and ensures the proper functioning of these two organs.
  • Control the eating disorders.
  • Improves hair by giving it a Natural glow.

In the case of the other ingredient such as sugar, which is a good influencer in the recipe of the cocoa juice, is described as a energy-containing carbohydrate from food, a teaspoon of sugar has about 5 grams of carbohydrates and 20 calories, and a tablespoon of sugar has about 15 grams of carbohydrates and 60 calories.

Curious facts of the Cocona

La cocona recibe other names depending on the country where it is harvested:  

  • In Peru it is coconut.
  • In Brazil it is Cubiu.
  • For Venezuela it is Tupiro or Topiro.
  • For Colombia it is Coconilla or Lulo.

In addition, he is a family of nightshade a native species of tropical america of the eastern variants of the Andes.

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