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Recipe for chicken stews with potatoes and red tomatoes

Recipe for chicken stews with potatoes and red tomatoes

Chicken is one of the main ingredients in most Peruvian gastronomy dishes, which is characterized by being tender, juicy and a marvel in terms of versatility and flavor in recipes such as stewed chicken, baked, grilled and even in sauce.

However, today this protein of animal origin will not be the only ingredient to provide a unique and special flavor to the palate of each person who consumes it, because it will be joined with two elements that will make the recipe a show and that in turn They will give color and consistency to a well-known dish, the chicken stew with potatoes and red tomatoes.

Chicken Stew with Potatoes and Red Tomatoes Recipe

Recipe for chicken stews with potatoes and red tomatoes

Plateau Main dish
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
Total time 1 hour 20 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 225kcal


  • 4 skinless chicken pieces (preferably thigh or breast)
  • 1 red or purple onion
  • ½ cup of butter
  • 3 large potatoes
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 large red bell pepper
  • 4 red peppers
  • 4 large, ripe red tomatoes
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • A handful of celery leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Oregano powder to taste


  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Deep pot  
  • Skillet
  • Cutting board
  • Kitchen towels
  • Blender or processor
  • Flat plate


  1. Place the tomatoes, onion, paprika, celery leaves, chili and a cup of water in a blender, process each ingredient until smooth. homogeneous paste. Remove from the container and reserve.
  2. on a table chop the chicken pieces into two or three pieces, so that the presentation of the protein in the dish is more elegant.
  3. Put a splash of oil in a pot, let it heat up a bit and add a pinch of pepper, a little oregano and salt (this is so that the oil absorbs the flavors and integrates them deeply into the chicken), immediately add the chicken and let seal for 10 minutes or until golden in appearance.
  4. Before turning off the flame where the chicken is cooking, add the blended mixture and the ½ cup of butter. Let cook over low heat for 20 minutes with the respective pot lid on.
  5. Meanwhile wash and peel the potatoes. Get ready to cut them into cubes or quarters, according to your taste.
  6. Check the chicken and make sure the sauce is not dry, otherwise add half a cup of water. At the same time, complete the preparation with the potatoes and the milk cream, let cook between 20 and 25 minutes.
  7. When the cooking time has elapsed, remove from the heat and let stand 5 minutes.
  8. Serve on a flat plate accompanied by rice, bread or pasta.

Tips for making a good Chicken Stew with potatoes and red tomatoes

This recipe is so old and delicious that It has passed from generation to generation with the desire that each member of the family could reproduce it, so it is likely that the formula expressed today is from an aunt, grandmother or mother who has shared it with us so that each one of the readers adopts it and, above all, enjoys it.

El Chicken stew with potatoes and red tomatoes It is a dish of simple preparation, which contains ingredients that are very easy to obtain, so healthy and nutritious that you will not have to worry about its calorie or fat content. However, if this is your first time making the dish, here we present you some tips to help you prepare and achieve successful results.

  1. Select a quality meat: The first step to have the best stew, based on this excellent recipe, is have an ideal type of meat. Although all the ingredients must be fresh (for best results), it is the chicken that plays a fundamental role in the flavor. The freshness, the type of cut and other aspects related to the quality of the product are crucial to guarantee a delicious dish.
  2. Slow cooking: Patience is a virtue that must be implicit in each person when making the Chicken stew with potatoes and red tomatoes. Preparation requires time for best results. In addition, one of the keys to having a good cooking is cook everything over low heat, in this way the chicken meat will be softer, reaching a better texture and sensation when ingesting it.
  3. Choose good potatoes and tomatoes: In addition to chicken potatoes and tomatoes must be fresh and of excellent quality. Make sure the potato is ripe, without green tones and without strange holes. In the same vein, check that the tomatoes are juicy, hard and without an unpleasant taste.
  4. Use of the pressure cooker: If at any time someone tells you that you cannot use a pressure cooker to make this recipe, you have only listened deaf, since the important thing about all this is that the chicken is well cooked to have the desired texture. If it is more practical for you take the pressure cooker and cook everything in one go, do it, but if you can wait and be more traditional, use a regular pot or pan.
  5. Prepare the stew ahead of time: Previously we commented that you have to be patient when making this dish and now we emphasize this suggestion even more. Give yourself the time you need to prepare your dishes, chop everything, enjoy the process and taste in company.
  6. Don't forget the broth: To give your stew a higher level, you can substitute water for chicken broth. This will allow you to add vegetables, giving a new flavor to your dish.

Fun facts

Due to its antiquity and travel, this saucer is not exempt from data interesting, curious and informative. Here some of them:

  • The color of the stew varies from white to pale yellow depending on the amount of butter or margarine that is incorporated into the preparation or pale red to deep red depending on the tomatoes and their size. This stew can also vary in the thickness of the sauce, as it can be very thin or quite thick depending on the cooking time and the amount of water used.  
  • Chicken stew with potatoes and red tomatoes is prepared in a large cast iron or stainless steel pot often in the open air, that is, in the patio of a house, in a fireplace, over the open fire of a grill.
  • This type of dish also called "hot chicken" because it is originally a stew consisting of parboiled chicken pieces in a tomato-based broth, milk cream, butter, seasoned with salt and pepper.
  • Also, the Chicken stew with potatoes and red tomatoes is a comforting menu for its high content of protein, minerals, nutrients and minimal amount of fat.
  • This is a preparation that is consumed during the coldest seasons in Europe. In these countries they prepare the stew in most of the events that take place from September to December, that for raise body temperatures for the casualties of the cold and for entertaining guests at meetings, parties, dinners, charities or charities.
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