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Broaster Chicken

Broaster Chicken

This is a plate of quick and easy preparation, which everyone likes at home and does not require many sophisticated ingredients and utensils for its preparation. In addition, it is very useful for any occasion and in many countries it is considered a "fast food", being consumed in all of the stations, places and homes by predilection.

Its origin dates back to 1939 when Harland D Sanders began preparing crispy chicken in a restaurant in North Corbin, southwestern United States, from a recipe with eleven species and unique aromas. This man evolved the way of eating chicken and also allowed his recipe to travel other latitudes, reaching what is now Peru.

That is why the history of the creation of the broaster Chicken in Peru it begins in the first days of January 1950 under the shade of the molles (pepper trees) of an orchard in the “Santa Clara” farm in Chaclacayo, where Mr. Roger schuler, a Swiss citizen who had come to Peru from his tour of the US, had the intention of making investments in this country and there was no better way than to reinvent the recipe for broaster chicken from its inventor Sanders.

It was thus that the way of making "fried" chicken remained in the country through the factory and distribution of the company. "Schuler", but that little by little it was modified and sold more popularly (in streets, restaurants, street stalls and distributed at parties, elite meetings and within the ancient towns that still existed) based on the country's native products and their accessibility to people.

Chicken Broaster Recipe

Broaster Chicken

Plateau Main dish
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 10 minutes
Total time 40 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 160kcal


  • 4 pieces of chicken (turkey, duck or poultry, optional)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1/2 cup of liquid milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon garlic mill
  • 1 tablespoon mustard sauce
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 1 liter of oil

Additional materials

  • Pot to boil the chicken pieces
  • Three containers, plastic cups or packages of your choice
  • Fork and clamp
  • A deep frying pan or cauldron
  • Adsorbent paper
  • Dish towel
  • Mixer
  • Flat plates
  • Tray

Chicken Broaster Preparation

To start making this recipe it is essential wash the chicken pieces well, this to remove excess blood and fluids included in the animal and thus avoid any infection or disease.

After this step, place a liter of water together with a tablespoon of salt in a deep pot. These two ingredients are beaten until the salt is well dissolved in the liquid. Take this to high fire.

Add each piece of chicken to the salted water and bring to a boil for 10 minutes over high heat. In this step it is necessary to be watching the level of water in the pot, since if it is reduced to a minimum, the skin of the chicken can be damaged and even burned. In case the chicken is not yet fully cooked and the water has evaporated, it is indicated to add more until the product is completely cooked.

The idea of ​​this procedure (first boil the chicken in plenty of water) is so that all the chicken is completely sealed and cooked to perfection. It is also a method of subtracting certain fats, so that when frying, they do not add more calories to the dish.

At the same time, after the 10 minutes have elapsed and checking that the chicken skin is elastic and cooked, proceed to withdraw the chicken pieces from the pot and place them to drain on a plate with absorbent paper.

In a separate bowl, place the milk, egg, mustard, minced garlic, and a teaspoon of salt and pepper. Blend all the ingredients, either with a fork or with electric mixer, depending on your availability, until you have a uniform yellowish mixture.

In another plate or flat plate, place the flour together with a tablespoon of salt and mix to integrate each substance.  

Having the two mixes ready and arranged on the workbench, proceed to take the boiled chicken and enter it first by the liquid mixture, impregnating each piece completely with the mixture, after this it is passed through the flour. Repeat this action with everyone of the chicken pieces.

Consecutively, you need to arrange the chicken fractions on a tray so that they absorb the flavors. Leave rest inside the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Apart, place to heat over medium heat between ¼ and ½ liter of oil in a deep frying pan or cauldron.

When the oil is hot, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and add one by one to oil to fry. Give a time of 3 minutes to each piece so that they brown well and generate a crispy topping.

Remove each piece from the oil and place them on a plate or tray lined with absorbing paper so that drain the excess oil.

Serve with some French fries, rice or other accompaniment.

Tips, suggestions and recommendations for better preparation  

To make a tasty broaster Chicken the following tips and suggestions should be kept in mind:

  1. Place the chicken in boiling water for ten minutes for a total doneness
  2. Do not leave the chicken in the oil for a long time, since it was previously cooked and what you want is to obtain it crunchy of the envelope
  3. Do not put many pieces of chicken to be fried in simultaneous
  4. To achieve a better and uniform crunchy layer, it is necessary to flour well each piece
  5. It is recommended to place the flour in a bag, place the chicken and beat a little so that it is well wrapped
  6. Integrate the shawl when the chicken is boiling to alter and expand the flavors of the chicken

Characteristics of broaster chicken

This chick is characterized by presenting a meat sensitively delicious, white and substantial. Your presentation is Attractive, since the outer covering, in addition to being crispy, has a soft golden hue and a pleasant texture.

It is also a food of quick preparation which makes it a main dish that can be enjoyed in just minutes, along with other garnishes, juices, vegetables or sauces.

Ideal temperature for frying the chicken

Chicken is a food soft, delicate and very sensitive, which must be known to handle so that each of the recipes to be used, come out with the best and total success possible. That is why, in the case of Broaster Chicken, the main care that must be taken is when frying, and for this to be a simple task, below is the explanation of how to comply with the fever of the process.

The ideal temperature for frying the chicken or other poultry in this recipe is recorded in the 360 degrees F or 175 degrees C according to a thermometer. However, the excessive use of this heat can burn or damage the food, so it is recommended to be aware of the pieces to be fried, since each one must be moved and turned in intervals between 2 to 3 minutes each.

How to know if fried chicken is cooked?

If you are not an expert cook who identifies at first glance the level of cooking of each piece of chicken, here we leave you how to know if your product has already reached the perfect point cooking or if it still lacks a bit.

To know if the chicken is cooked, you must first observe the color what's wrong with it. If this is pinkish, it means that even has not fried, given that the oil is cold or that you have not given it enough time to cook. In order for the oil to heat up and maintain its temperature, it is necessary do not add Many pieces to fry at once, as this unbalances the level of heat that initially held the oil.

If the chicken is golden con pink chunks, turn it to the part that reflects pink tones, this so that it partially finishes frying. But, if the chicken is already totally golden and has light brown tones, the piece she is ready to remove it from the oil. Also, if you continue to doubt, you can take a piece of chicken and chop it with a sharp knife, if the juice comes out no color, you are done.

Why use other types of birds for this recipe?

This recipe is very versatile, which can be used for chicken, duck, quail, hen or another type of bird of the region.

However, this type of oviparous is used in chicken substitution, when it is not available or is not exhibited in the area; it is advisable to opt for another product such as those mentioned above. The preparation is always the same, but the flavor varies by 20% depending on the type of animal that is used.

Why is chicken eaten tough?

One of the main reasons why chicken, when boiled and later fried, is placed hard, it is for having used old meat.

Here, no matter how much seasoning you use or if the temperature is right for frying, a old chicken will remain hard and ugly.

The best thing in these cases is to buy the fresh meat, as well as avoid freezing and thawing it, since the loss of humidity in this process is inevitable.

Nutritional contributions

The vitamins and minerals in chicken meat are related according to the nutritional stages between men and women. However, the recommended daily value of chicken to maintain a healthy diet on a diet is 2000 calories  according to the needs, age and size of the person.

Chicken is one of the foods in the basic basket healthier It exists and is highly variable in its preparation, so its consumption is indicated by nutritionists at all stages of life and for many health conditions according to each individual.

It is estimated that for each 100 gr of chicken meat contributes an average of:

  • 160 gr of calcium
  • 30 grams of protein
  • 70% total fat
  • 2,4 g of carbohydrate
  • Phosphorous 43,4 gr
  • Potassium 40.2 gr
  • Magnesium 3,8 gr
  • Calcium 1.8 gr
  • Iron 0.1 gr
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