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Russian salad

Russian salad

La Russian salad It is one of the most outstanding and distinguished dishes of the culinary culture of Peru. It is a fresh preparation, ideal for hot days or summer days. Its way of preparing is quite easy and fast, being one of the most practical and healthy for a nutritious family meal.

The variety of ingredients that it has gives rise to many varieties depending on the area or the taste of the guests, among which the beets or beets, rich in vitamins A and C. It is a healthy way to promote the immune system without sacrificing the flavor of the dish.

Its origin lies in Russia As its name indicates, it tells the story that chef Lucien Oliver created this incredible salad in the year 1860 at the Hermitage restaurant located in Moscow. Unlike the current recipe, for its time the vinegar and venison, ingredients that have been eliminated with the evolution of the dish.

Over the years, the recipe climbed levels of popularity and came to cross borders, reaching Ukraine from there they began to add ingredients such as potatoes, carrots and peas, in addition to replacing the old and expensive venison meat with chicken, a more affordable product.

En Peru, Russian salad It is consumed at any time of the year since the components are found timelessly in local markets, but it is especially consumed during the holidays where it plays a leading role in the Christmas dinner. It is normally accompanied with turkey and mashed potatoes.

Russian Salad Recipe

Russian salad

Plateau Escort, Entrance
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 40 minutes
Total time 1 hour 10 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 140kcal


  • 2 beets or beets
  • 2 potatoes or large potatoes
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 cup of peas or alternatively peas
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 200g string beans or green beans
  • Parsley to taste
  • Lettuce leaves to decorate

For the homemade mayonnaise

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard
  • ½ lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper
  • 200 ml oil

Materials and utensils

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Olla
  • Container


  1. We are mainly going to prepare homemade mayonnaise, for a more authentic flavor; add salt, pepper and a full egg in a blender. Liquefy
  2. Start integrating the oil into thread-like and progressively. This step is transcendental to determine the consistency of the mayonnaise and thus get a creamy result
  3. Subsequently, add the lemon juice and taste the seasoning. When it takes the desired consistency it will be ready to add the mustard and reserve in the refrigerator
  4. To start with the salad we put boil the potatoes or potatoes, beets, and unpeeled carrots about 25 to 30 minutes. Normally carrots should be left for a longer cooking time
  5. When fully cooked remove from alum and let stand to cool
  6. Peel the vegetables and chop them in medium cubes
  7. In a separate pot put the green beans and peas. Boil until softened
  8. On the other hand sear the eggs for about 10 minutes. And at the end, let rest
  9. In a bowl place the cubed vegetables, green beans, peas and the diced egg. remove all along with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste
  10. Serve after chilled with a couple of lettuce leaves to add freshness to the presentation

Tips and recommendations

La Russian salad in all its varieties is very simple to perform, and it really turns out basic dish at the table of superfood, so it is essential to know your recipe and implementation.

That's why you can't stay without knowing how you can enhance flavor and nutrient absorption with some tricks that will make her the star of the table.

  • clean well the vegetables before boiling them to eliminate any bacteria found on them
  • If you prefer prepared mayonnaise you can add it instead of the homemade one, as an additional flavor you can add a tablespoon of mustard for a unique flavor
  • let rest well vegetables after cooking to completely remove moisture
  • When cooking vegetables, care should be taken that do not have a very soft texture so that they do not lose their shape when mixed with the rest of the ingredients
  • It is an excellent accompaniment of the chicken to the pot or of any poultry meat.
  • Depending on the taste of the diner you can add vegetables of your choice or some different flavors as condiments
  • A good option too, is turn to frozen vegetables that will provide the maximum possible vitamins, fiber and nutrients thanks to the careful ultra-freezing process. Furthermore, in this way you can preserve freshness of the salad
  • It is important keep the salad in the refrigeratorso that when serving it preserves that charming freshness

Nutritional Contribution

This recipe turns out to be a healthy and nutritious dish that, with the ease of its preparation, makes it the ideal option for the Peruvian every day; On many occasions, more varieties of vegetables are added to make it a more complete dish.

The peas in this dish provide energy and protein In addition to being a food purifying and remineralizing. They are considered beneficial for the nervous system because they are source of mineralsAlso, it is a food. heart healthy. On the other hand, carrots help reduce the risk of degenerative diseases thanks to antioxidant substances such as beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Beetroot is a food rich in folic acid and vitamin C which allows to absorb iron which strengthens the immune system, teeth and bones. Potassium It is its greatest mineral that helps the perfect functioning of muscular activity.

At the same time, it is summarized that for a portion of 100gr of Russian Salad, is received:

  • Calories: 77 Kcal
  • Protein: 1,7 gr
  • Grease: 0.2 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 16 gr
  • Glycemic index: 65
  • Carbohydrates: 29% in full

Interesting Facts

Humans are curious by nature, so to feed this desire for information and satisfy curiosity, today we present these data of interest for you to add more data to your experience.

  1. This dish is merely russian, typical of new year and born in 1860
  2. In many countries it is known Russian salad but in all of them it has different or additional ingredients
  3. In Spain the Russian salad It has its own observatory. This is called ODER, Observatory of the Russian salad and was born to preserve the intrinsic values ​​of this dish
  4. In turn, the Russian salad has its own international day and corresponds to November 14, the World Russian Salad Day, a date that coincides with the death anniversary of its creator, Lucien Oliver.
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