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Quinoa Breakfast

Quinoa Breakfast

This recipe is so substantial and powerful, which is given the name of breakfast, which is simply a generous drink of Peruvian origin, full of flavor, variety, fiber and vitamins.

El Quinoa Breakfast It is a drink that accompanies the popular breakfast of Peruvians or that is essentially the complete breakfast of each person.  

This recipe is based on the Quinoa, a fruit from Peru, the Quenopodiaceae family, of which there are several species whose characteristics circulate between rhombic leaves and small flowers arranged in clusters. Young leaves and seeds are very abundant most of the year and often they are edible.

Its fruits are used for Peruvian gastronomy, both to make juices, dishes and desserts, where they are also one of the favorite fruits of society to fill, accompany and highlight other foods.

Likewise, this fruit is both culinary and medicinal, since the Peruvian people recommend it for its high fiber content for dehydration and control of bowel movement of each individual. In addition, it is used as an aid for circulation and prevention of the heart.

Quinoa Breakfast Recipe

Quinoa Breakfast

Plateau Beverages
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
Total time 50 minutes
Servings 6
Calories 190kcal


  • 200 gr of Quinoa
  • 2 large green apples
  • 1 unit of quince (very branchy pinkish tree with white or pink flowers whose fruit is yellow and edible, this is used to make jellies and sweets)
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 5 cloves
  • 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tablespoons potato or cornstarch
  • ¼ pineapple (chopped)
  • 2 liters of water
  • 100 ml of lemon or orange juice
  • 1 or 2 ripe orange peels

Additional materials

  • 1 deep pot
  • Blender
  • Large jug or bowl
  • Strainer or sieve
  • 1 wooden spoon or fork


  1. First you start by preparing a candy. For that, add the 5 tablespoons of sugar to a large pot, let caramelize and stir little by little with the wooden spoon.
  2. When the sugar is blonde, lower the heat to minimum and continue beating until a mahogany color is obtained, when it is reached, gradually integrate the two liters of water
  3. When the water turns dark and the caramel has disintegrated, add the apples. previously chopped, quince, Quinoa, cloves, cinnamon. Bring to a boil over medium heat for 10 minutes
  4. When the ingredients are soft, add ¼ pineapple, 1 orange peel. Cook for 10 more minutes
  5. When everything is cooked, turn off the flame and let it rest. Remove the cloves, cinnamon, and other hard ingredients. Dispose of the water and the excess in the blender
  6. Place the already blended liquid in a jug or bowl, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of potato or corn starch to give it consistency, mix and make sure not to leave any clumps. It is optional to strain the drinkIf you require it, pass the mixture through the strainer first before adding the starch.
  7. Finally, serve and add a few drops of lemon or orange juice to give it the necessary acidity

Tips and suggestions

A breakfast would not be complete without a rich and nutritious glass of Quinoa, whose preparation is comfortable and fast, which allows it to be interpreted at any time and occasion. However, despite being a simple recipe, here are some suggestions and recommendations for your preparation to be successful.

  • Quinoa is due rinse in various waters until the liquid runs clear. This in order to clean the fruit well and not ingest substances that can adhere to the shell of the majar.
  • Should always be used green apples, Granny Smith or a similar variety. These are not peeled, they are simply cut and the seeds and the hard core are removed.
  • Many times, no need to strain the drink. The leftover bits, after blending everything, are tender and smooth, totally edible
  • The drink can be taken lukewarm, lukewarm, ambient or chilled. It can also be stored in the refrigerator 2 or 3 days before the apple begins to lose color and turn dark.
  • Blend all the ingredients as explained in the preparation of the recipe, it can be optional. This can also be done mashing with a fork each fruit
  • Cinnamon sticks, cloves, and orange peels can be gathered in one cloth bag and tied gently they can be launched to the preparation. These will release their flavors, odors and properties without spreading disorderly throughout the mixture, it will also be easier to remove when it is time to liquefy the preparation.

Nutritional contribution

Each internal fruit in this recipe has extensive properties, vitamins and minerals that favor the body, in terms of circulation, hydration and immunology. For these reasons, and in order to inform you and learn about everything you are going to consume, a brief review of each of these ingredients:

For every 100 gr of Quinoa:

  • Calories 370 Kcal
  • Proteins 14 gr
  • Carbohydrates 64 gr
  • Lipids 6 gr
  • Fiber 7 gr
  • Vitamin C 22 ml
  • Calcium 47 ml
  • Iron 4.6 ml

These values ​​have been widely recognized for their high quality protein, particularly rich in essential amino acids and for its carbohydrate content, producing low glycemic indices and generating a better nutritional and functional quality compared to cereal grains such as corn.  

For 100 gr of green apples:

  • Calories 55 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates 14 gr
  • Simple sugars 11 gr
  • Fiber 2 gr
  • Sodium 2 gr

The green apple provides few calories but a large amount of water, which facilitates hydration of the body; as well as exports a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances throughout the body.

For every 100 gr of quince:

  • Calories 57 gr
  • Total fat 0.1 gr
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 4 mg
  • Potassium 197 mg
  • Carbohydrates 15 gr
  • Proteins 0.4 gr

In addition, it has a high fountain of vitamin C, B12, B6, calcium, iron and magnesium.

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