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Suck Lorna Creole

Within the great variety of dishes that we find in Peru, we can spend a long time talking about its marine gastronomy, since thanks to the west coast that borders the Pacific Ocean, a great diversity of fish is obtained, one of which is he lorna, of which a suck exquisite.

And this is the dish that we want to learn to prepare today, an appetizing fish that with its characteristic flavor and in combination with other ingredients such as potatoes, rice, eggs and others, have served to create one of the most tasty dishes that Peru has.

In these ingredients, we can see the wonderful mixture of culinary cultures that have been derived from the time of colonization to the present day. If you want to learn how to prepare the lorna suck a la criolla, stay with us and let's go to the recipe.

Chupe de lorna a la criolla recipe

Suck Lorna Creole

Plateau Fish, Main course
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes
Total time 30 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 300kcal


  • 5 small lornas in broth
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 1 cup of oil
  • 1 cup of fresh cheese
  • 1 regular onion
  • 1 tomato large
  • 3 garlic
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • 1 tablespoon tomato sauce
  • 6 yellow potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup of rice
  • 1 small can of evaporated milk
  • 1 sprig of coriander
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation of Chupe de lorna a la criolla

  1. Fry the chopped onion, garlic, peeled and chopped tomato, crumbled oregano, tomato sauce in oil, adding salt and pepper. When the dressing is refried, add a cup of the fish broth. Bring to a boil and then strain over five cups of fish broth. Then add the washed rice. Let it boil for a few minutes and then add the peeled and whole potatoes. Once everything is cooked, add the mixed egg, the crumbled egg and to serve the milk, the coriander, the mint and the chopped parsley (teaspoon of each).

Tips for making a delicious Chupe de lorna a la criolla

To get the best flavor in your recipe, it's best to get your ingredients as fresh as possible.

In case you want to increase the flavor of this recipe, you can use a few drops of lemon juice by adding them to the broth.

Nutritional properties of chupe de lorna a la criolla

  • The chupes that are prepared on the coast of Peru, have a great balance of proteins and carbohydrates, which makes this stew a very caloric food.
  • Lorna fish is a great source of protein since it has 18,50 grams per serving, while it only has 1,9 grams of fat. It is rich in iron and calcium.
  • The eggs in this recipe also provide protein and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins such as A, D, and B6.
  • Yellow potatoes represent a good source of carbohydrates, in addition they are also sources of iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B3, B6 and C.
  • Rice adds carbohydrates to the recipe, as well as vitamin D, iron, and calcium.
  • Cheese along with milk provides significant amounts of calcium, as well as fats and proteins, vitamins A, D and minerals such as magnesium.
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes and onions provide fiber and vitamins A, B, C, E and K, as well as containing minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, and many more.
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