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Cause Stuffed with Fish

Causa stuffed with fish

This delicious dish has a great history, since it goes back to the time of emancipation, due to the recipe that a lady prepared to feed the patriotic soldiers, this dish being later baptized "for the cause" so it's deeply ingrained to the traditions of Peru. Currently we have the joy of being able to taste such a wonderful preparation.

Regardless of the occasion, this dish always goes very well, besides that due to its consistency it is easy to consume and digest, and although the stuffed cause can be made with different types of meat, here we are going to refer to what is rellena fishundoubtedly one of the most traditional ways to prepare this dish.

If you want to prepare this great Peruvian dish, we invite you to join us in our recipe and learn how to cook the cause stuffed with fish.

Causa recipe stuffed with fish

Causa stuffed with fish

Plateau dinner, main course
Cooking Peruvian
Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
Total time 35 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 80kcal
Author Romina gonzalez


  • ½ kilo of fish
  • ½ kilo of potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • Salt, pepper and chili to taste
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • 1 limon
  • 3 parsley sprigs
  • Mayonnaise to taste

Preparation of Causa stuffed with fish

  1. Clean the fish and parboiled. Bone it and shred it. Season with salt, pepper, oil and chopped onion. Knead the fish between two layers of potatoes and cut into portions bathing them with mayonnaise, serve with lettuce leaves, garnishing with chopped parsley.

Tips for making a delicious Causa stuffed with fish

  • In your selection of ingredients, always choose the freshest, to obtain an optimal flavor.
  • To the filling you can also add pieces of carrots or green beans, previously cooked with their consistency soft enough so that the texture of the rest of the preparation is preserved.
  • Celery is another ingredient that is conducive to adding it.
  • One of the best ways to decorate the stuffed cause is with a sauce or mayonnaise that gives it a touch of different flavor, and you can also add coriander leaves, olives or pieces of pepper for decorative purposes.

Food properties of the cause stuffed with fish

The stuffed cause can be prepared with different types of meat, but the one that is prepared with fish, has a special nutritional value with good effects for diabetes, arthritis and the circulatory system, since it is good source of iodine and Omega 3. It also provides excellent amounts of protein.

Due to the potato, it also contains significant amounts of carbohydrates, which is a source of energy for proper muscle function. Thanks to its alkaline function, it allows a better elimination of toxins, in addition to helping the nervous system. 

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